Mechanical Flowmeters
The FLUIDEX Mechanical series is a Positive Displacement Oval Gear Flowmeter. Emphasizing mechanical simplicity, these meters provide an optimal solution for diverse industries and applications. The range covers connection sizes from 1/2" (15mm) to 4" (100mm) with a flow range spanning 0.26 to 660 GPM (1 to 2500 LPM), encompassing the entire spectrum of medium and large capacities (MOGF and LOGF). Meters are available in Aluminum or Stainless Steel construction based on size.
Operation Principle
FLUIDEX Mechanical flow meters feature two rotating gears with an oval shape. Following each revolution, a fixed amount of liquid passes between the gear teeth and through the meter. The flow rate is determined by the number of shaft rotations, mechanically transmitted to the register.
Typical Applications
FLUIDEX Mechanical Oval Gear flow meters are perfect for measuring the transfer of thick or non-conductive liquids. Typical Applications Include -but not limited to- the following:
Fuel additive injection
Fuel consumption measurements
Diesel injector/pump test equipment
Water treatment chemical dosing (flocculants, surfactants, biocides, etc.)
Corrosion inhibitor dosing
Demineralised / RO water dosing or dispensing
Monitoring of oil or grease lubricants
Clean Fluids
Oil-Based Paints
Chemical Additive Injection